I have an asus x00p that doesn’t get hot while charging. 2018 manufactured.

I also have a xiaomi M2006C3MG that gets hot, 2020 manufactured.


  • Aurix@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Generally no, but yes. There is a multitude of factors to consider.

    1. Capacity and shape of the battery. The former dictates how much energy, and therefore temperature, will enter the system in total. The latter for thermal dissipation.

    2. The wattage which dictates how much of this energy flows in a given time into the system. If it is lower, then it will not get as hot. Get a lower rated charger to reduce temperature at the expense of required charging time.

    3. The cooling concept and how effectively it dissipates energy. A better thermal design will allow for more wattage at the same temperature. Indeed companies will save here on resources often.

    4. Software and regulation might have an impact on how the charging is controlled. I for example cap it at 80% for longevity reasons and therefore less energy will be in the device. Devices also have settings to activate faster charging.

    5. Type of energy delivery. If you use wireless charging roughly half of the energy will become heat.