In my area noisy miner birds are common, and this is one i got a photo of recently.
I hope small watermarks are ok, and can repost without if its a problem.
Nice pic! Looks like a Myna, but more grey. Maybe it’s the lighting?
Yes, there are also Mynas around ( (link with pic for differences. )) but these ones also hang around a bit too. Id say they’re mostly grey with some dark patches.
Edit: original comment might have come off as rude/condesending. I gave link so we both have the same reference point and didn’t want to re-post image directly so it couldn’t be misconstrued as mine. I looked at the wikipedia page recently and noted there were many myna species, but i meant the pictured myna is also nearby too.Like most Australian things, it was named after it’s loose resemblance to a bird somewhere else in the world.
It’s actually a species of honeyeater, and probably one of the biggest pricks in the country to any other bird.
It took a while, but i got a picture of a Myna, It’s not the best, but shows the differences, i couldnt really tell which would be bigger if they sat side by side.
The plumage around the eyes make it look like a cartoon character and I’m here for it.
Great picture! I’d be shocked if watermarks were a problem, you should be able to credit your art
Thank you. I’ll try and post more up here, Maybe i need some sort of pokemon list of Kookaburra’s, Galahs, Cockatoos, Drop Bears etc.