Please keep it civil.

  • the post of tom joad
    1 year ago

    I have a thought that’s been rolling around in my head for awhile about your belief, and it kinda has to do with my curiosity of why someone would care enough in the first place to find, study the statistics and repeat them. To believe them. Ostensibly it would be to make one feel better about their place in the world, as we humans are always trying to find it, to find ways to elevate it own place, or even to excuse ourselves for not being where we should be on the social stratosphere.

    But even if one accepts this premise as true, no one thinks that it is binary, right? What i mean is, no one thinks EVERY black person has higher T than every white person, or that the lowest IQ whitey has a higher one than the smartest black guy. So a venn diagram. (One that if it even exists would be in my estimation a near-perfect circle, but that’s where the debate lies isn’t it?)

    So my point is, why care at all? Isn’t it moot? Who even cares if Tim is smarter than Tyrone if Tim isn’t the smartest white? I personally believe our boy timmy should spend their time on self improvement. Once they find themselves a better version then before they might discover they don’t actually need someone to tell them they’re special just for being born.