This video was recorded in Colorado on 01-09-2011 and although I was still heavily scripted with Illuminati ET and Goddess Programming, the basic story of what happened to me and my ex-husband are TRUTHFUL. I was abducted from my own home by fake ambulance and police personal, taken through underground tunnels and transferred to more than one hospital while my family used their professional connections with the county to try and track me down. I believe it was only because of these inquiries that I was ever seen again, although I was held in a hospital under false pretense and trafficked for ritual abuse, sex and information exchange by cabal members, I was eventually released.

The same hospital that I was held in medically and psychiatrically to cover up the abuse, took my 9 week old fetus from my womb nonconsentually when I tried to get a check up for spotting in the ER on 11-11-11. It was December 21, 2012 when I was abducted for ritual and held under the pretense of psychiatric care. Please, understand that I do not condone the spiritual messaging of the Illumanists whom I was heavily programmed by during his recording, I have since only experienced healing and deliverance from the Creator and His Son Yahushuah HaMashiac and have renounced ALL OCCULT POWERS and PSYCHIC ARTS since. I follow the Ten Commandments and have been covered by the Hand of God in order to rescue me repeatedly since this video was created and to bring me to this place today where I am ready to stand up and tell my story and give the glory of my life and salvation to the ONE whom earned it with HIS sacrifice, it is ONLY because of HIS sacrifice that I DO NOT HAVE TO BE ONE AGAIN.

This video is a part of a trail of evidence to the validity of my testimony being truthful and is from my own home video journal, with additional information added later in order to clarify what I was talking about. I was a child when I was identified for my strong spiritual gifts, high IQ, exceptional athletic talent and Acting ability. I was in pageants and even some movies, TV Shows with small parts and a lead roll in a Music Video when I was a youth. It was at 12 years old that I went to US Space Camp at NASA for a Summer Camp and was awarded The Right Stuff Award for my extreme giftedness, but only a year later would have to be hospitalized repeatedly for somatic pain in my stomach and head accompanied by memories of ritual abuse that were covered up as psychiatric anxiety by doctors who drugged me with Demerol for 40 days first then told my parents I needed psychiatric hospitalization. Between, being targeted at school and in my social life by Illuminati agents, I would be hospitalized for increasing lengths of time under the guise of psychosis and experimented on in the FOCUS 10 trials. I learned to synchronize my brain hemispheres and astral project, trained to gather psychic information and report to handlers secretly.

The experimentation left me with a Dissociative Disorder commonly called Multiple Personalities and CPTSD, but the family was told I was BiPOlar or Schizoid or something and they kept using experimental drugs on me in order to suppress my memories. My high intelligence and extreme creativity, coupled with my deep spirituality made me the perfect MK candidate, as I was able to compartmentalize trauma and secrets in my mind and continually rescript myself and create new front personalities to survive the use and abuse. I was ultimately used for Sex, Intelligence an Counterintelligence, Information exchange and ritual abuses and trafficked between various secret organizations and clandestine agencies like a slave. In 2004 I was programmed to commit suicide and only by the grace of God am I still alive. However, my recovery was also of interest to the research scientists and the cult decided to try and keep using me, although in 2005 I was visited by an angel and a process of healing and unraveling of my programmed alters began. If you would like to know more about the Focus 10 trials, covered up with propaganda about super soldiers and Secret Space Programs you can find that interview from 2013 with Starseed Awakening on this playlist.

Please, keep in mind that I was heavily programmed and had to cowtow to propaganda about aliens in order to get away with it at the time and I DO NOT CONDONE any sort of contact with ETs or dabbling in Witchcraft or Occult subjects. Yahushuah HaMashiac saved me from sacrifice with HIS OWN and only by the power of his blood and the testimony of His Words am I sane, balanced and protected from the cult tactics that I HAVE struggled with throughout it all. It is time my story was heard and these abuse systems and the methods of cult control being used on programmed slaves was faced by the masses, because the government will only cover it up, we cannot look to them for solutions, we must look to GOD and create awareness with education, love for one another and the gospel of PEACE.

  • lemmybot@lemmy.staphup.nlOPMB
    9 months ago

    Her Youtube Bio


    After a Near Death Experience in 2004, I began to recover memories of experimentation and abuse that had been compartmentalized in my mind using trauma based mind control tactics and hypnosis. I was officially diagnosed with D.I.D. and CPTSD, which are the direct result of MK Ultra style experimentation and cult network abuses I have suffered with my whole life. After 15 years of seeking help, including professional deprogramming and deliverance (non hypnotic) it is only my reliance on God’s Strength through His Son and the Blood covering of Yahushuah HaMashiac aka Jesus Christ who protects me from occult witchcraft and Illuminati Cult network backlash. I was denied help from authorities and treated like an invisible person, no matter how much evidence there was to investigate, I was never given any investigation into any complaint my entire life and that included when I was bruised up, missing for days, found in the mountains w/ a kidknapper by satellite due to insider cult loyalty. Channel details