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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2023


  • Her Youtube Bio


    After a Near Death Experience in 2004, I began to recover memories of experimentation and abuse that had been compartmentalized in my mind using trauma based mind control tactics and hypnosis. I was officially diagnosed with D.I.D. and CPTSD, which are the direct result of MK Ultra style experimentation and cult network abuses I have suffered with my whole life. After 15 years of seeking help, including professional deprogramming and deliverance (non hypnotic) it is only my reliance on God’s Strength through His Son and the Blood covering of Yahushuah HaMashiac aka Jesus Christ who protects me from occult witchcraft and Illuminati Cult network backlash. I was denied help from authorities and treated like an invisible person, no matter how much evidence there was to investigate, I was never given any investigation into any complaint my entire life and that included when I was bruised up, missing for days, found in the mountains w/ a kidknapper by satellite due to insider cult loyalty. Channel details