I originally signed up for lemmy about six months ago due to becoming outraged over reddit’s continual coddling of hard right and fascist powermods that use their authority to harass.

It was good here at lemmy.world for a long while until I started getting harassed by a 12 day old right leaning mod in /politics.

I posted a thread here about what to do and even got back a response from the site operator.

Which was shortly followed by a PM my thekingoflorida (the site operator) scolding me and threatening action for calling out the mods bad behavior in threads.

Reading the wind I realized lemmy.world is heading down the shitshow path that so many other online social forums have become and immediately deleted my account.

@thekingoflorida I do not want you to respond, I don’t care about your opinion, and if the fucking software would let me block you, I would have already.

So in short, I’m looking for a lemmy instance that has zero right wing users with admins that actually want to keep right wing forum manipulation off of their platform. I don’t care about ‘the marketplace of ideas’ or fairness in speech that tries to give space to fascist rhetoric in the guise of equality.

EVERY time they worm their ways in and have admin support, it ALWAYS railroads into what ruined reddit. And I’m tired of these shitstains ruining communities that I enjoy.

So, TL;DR: I’m looking for a lemmy instance with ZERO tolerance for anything right of Bill Clinton.

      • @[email protected]
        566 months ago

        It really is. I don’t think you’ll be happy on any instance. You’re here making a one day old alternate account to stir up drama, and name call. That’s dramatic behavior. I think that’s just who you are.

        Any instance you go to no, matter how left-leaning, there will be some conflict, because people disagree sometimes, and you are not equipped with the appropriate social conflict handling skills to process that and fit-in.

        • @[email protected]OP
          -106 months ago

          It really isn’t.

          I asked ‘What are some left leaning lemmy instances’

          You answered: Don’t make drama.

          And now you are pretending you provided an answer.

          Any instance you go to no, matter how left-leaning, there will be some conflict

          I don’t care about conflict, I care about right wing activist mods using their power to harass and shape conversation.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            Your post was more detailed than just ‘show me a list of left leaning Lemmy instances’… because you could self serve that with https://lemmyverse.net/

            How I read your post:

            I used to like it here, but then people started making drama with me, then the admin started making drama with me. I want to find an instance where there won’t be any drama, tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

            • @[email protected]
              126 months ago

              tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

              Start your own private instance and federate with no one. Nobody will disagree with you.

            • KingJalopy
              56 months ago

              tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

              I hear there’s a site called read it that will cater to those needs if he’s curious

          • @0x4E4F
            -46 months ago

            Beehaw… they’re practically a separate platform at this point. A left oriented oriented echo chaimber if you will.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    the communist tankie ones are lemmygrad and hexbear and to a significantly lesser extent lemmy.ml. I consider hexbear super authoritarian tankies and not really abiding by the socialist ideology most of the time.

    Someone else mentioned Beehaw which is an instance that is all about being polite. Iirc they defederated from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works.

    Your username is fuck lemmy, pretty agro stance to start imo. Best of luck

  • @Vendetta9076
    206 months ago

    Its always fun watching people fight over how pure their beliefs are.

  • @[email protected]M
    136 months ago

    Mmm? I don’t remember ever scolding someone. If you feel like I did that was probably me being Dutch. Could you specify what I said that made you angry?

    • @[email protected]M
      166 months ago

      Okay, so I read through some of the replies and I think I know what exchange you are referring to (not gonna doxx your ofcourse). I was honestly trying to ascertain if that mod had abused their power. You spammed the accusation through different communities, which is against the rules. I removed those comments, but I was still trying to work with you to investigate that particular mod.

      • Brad Boimler
        85 months ago

        Notice how the won’t engage with you at all because the are clearly in the wrong someone hurt their feelings so the broke every rule on the instance throwing a tantrum and are surprised when the get repercussions for it.

  • @Ziggurat
    66 months ago

    Do you have example of right winged posts on Lemmy. ?

    I sometimes have the impression that the Fediverse political diversity goes from Soft social-democrat who are ready to make a deal with liberals, like accepting that billionaire can own companies if union are powerful enough to hard-liner Marxist who thing that we should nationalize the mean of production, jails the billionaire, and implement a maximum salary, and that the political debate is more We all agree that Climate change, social issues and societal issues are important However, in a democratic system we cannot do everything at the same time so by which one do we start ?

    But basically, It’s hard to find, Liberals supporting free market, and thinking that Von der Leyen manages the EU properly. If you remove a few tankies who think that Putin, Orbàn, and Erdogan are nice guys, there isn’t much support for right wing government and policies. I am glad to not have all the right winger from reddit, but feel like it’s a bit too skewed.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    lemmy.blahaj.zone sounds like a good fit for you. It’s an instance predominately set up as a refuge for trans people, but accepts anyone respectful. The admins defederate from anything offensive which keeps it a safe place for people who need it. I’m not trans but basically signed up here because I feel the same as you, I come here to unwind before bed and want to avoid inflammatory shit. It’s a great little community.

    • astraeus
      15 months ago

      accepts anyone respectful

      This was an appropriate qualifier for this thread

    • Brad Boimler
      26 months ago


      Also aren’t all Lemmy instance Federated so the will still run into those users 😂

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I don’t know shit about kingoflorida but I’m currently stuck in this neo fascist state and I sure as hell am doing what I can to fix it… consider my vote his anti vote!

    Edit: One day folks will learn that tolerance cannot include intolerance… intolerance will spread like cancer and choke the life out of freedom.

    • HopeOfTheGunblade
      36 months ago

      Tolerance was and remains a peace treaty: you be tolerant, and we’ll tolerate you. Once someone opts to break the treaty, they receive no further protection from it.

  • Might Be
    45 months ago

    I want to give my side of the story.

    I removed one of person’s comment on the political community because it was reported, from what I can recall, it was a very long, borderline QAnon level rant that was antagonizing other users for essentially not buying into their conspiracy theory, which we took very seriously here.

    This person was not even banned, and the modlog can confirm that.

    I have had literally zero interaction with this person in any form other than this single comment removal. I have never sent this person a single DM or reply, and I think our admins can confirm that.

    When I woke up the next morning, I saw 4 already removed reply to my comments from this person, and it appears that this person has already purged their own account.