Doesn’t matter if it happened to you, a friend or a streamer. Bonus points if you have a video of it.

I know this is a fairly small community but let’s see how this goes:

I just started a multiplayer playthrough recently with somebody who was constantly asking if he could have found X before finding the info that points him to it, hence this post.

My favorite skip:


I had a friend stream the game who accidentally walked into the Ash Twin Project after walking away backwards from the oncoming sand and stepping on the teleporter platform. He never figured out how he managed to do it all the way until the end of his playthrough but it was an interesting watch since he had information players wouldn’t normally have right from the start.

    1 年前

    Not really a skip since I had no idea what was going on, but I had a fun experience with eote


    I wanted to leave the simulation while I was on a boat, and for some reason I decided to put down the lantern before falling into the water. Turns out I timed it right so I feel into the glitch area, with the visuals for when you move away from the lantern, and then got some reason I took fall damage and died. Needless to say I was very confused and had no idea what had happened.