I really didn’t know any better. I have edited my last post. I am really sorry.
What the hell is this even on about?
Edit: oh I see, some random dude said the word ricing for upgrading your desktop could possibly maybe be considered racist and everyone else in the thread said , “yeah no, no one cares” but you took it to heart and made a kind of weird off topic post apologizing for it. Yeah… No one cares, language is fluid, fuck that guy
Some one figured out a way
to twist tech jargon now
its all fallen apart.Archives indicate it began
with the Master/Slave naming
of Primary/Secondary drives
until jacked by renegade furry
loving butt slappers.It has since contaminated
other areas including GUI
Aesthetics. your Steam decks
KDE “Rice” may have been
Good Luck.I would still use the master/slave nomenclature if sata did not make it all moot.
“How do I kill the child?”
Using Rice/Ricing is perfectly fine. Words change meaning and evolve with different communities. In a Linux minded community such as this, you’ll be hard pressed to find people that will confuse Ricing for anything other than a fancy DE/WM.
Most people will understand Rice by the r/unixporn definition: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/wiki/themeing/dictionary/#wiki_rice
Race? Rece? Rice? Roce? Ruce? What are you talking about?
Dude. Just call it a 5k.
Don’t fret, good to learn the connotations of it but dont beat yourself up
-34…what do I have to do. I’m really sorry it wasn’t intentional and I didn’t know it any better
Take the L and move on. You made a reasonable mistake (it’s an old phrase that not many people recognised, iirc), learn from it and let it go.
Honestly just an edit in the post saying you didn’t know the phrase’s origin would have been enough. No need to make it into a “thing”. That’s probably where the downvotes are coming from.
Part of being a good person is realising and accepting that people make mistakes. Anyone that still keeps giving you crap over this after you’ve apologised probably isn’t worth listening to.
The original post was fine, and wasn’t worth something downvoting you over. This post with an apology was unnecessary and not really aligned with the content of this community, so it’s more of an objectional post than the original post was.
Arguably I should maybe take down this post, but it’s not enough of an issue to really worry about either way I think.
literally nothing, you’re fine
To be honest I have never really understood why using the phrase “ricing” is acceptable at all. I don’t know that many asian people though so I have zero authority either way on the subject, but it seems like a cut and dry case of people making fun of the way asians mod the shitty cars they drive to try to make them not look shitty in a way that people don’t make fun of for anybody but Asians.
I am not saying it is a word people shouldn’t use, again I don’t have the context to determine that either way but I am a bit surprised when people don’t see at least the possible problematic aspects of the use of the word. Is it a word that was originally a derogatory word that Asians claimed themselves (like queer in the LGTBQ community for example)?
Not attacking anyone here or trying to raise anyone’s hackles I am just genuinely confused by the context and meaning of the phrase ricing.