I’m giving up mainly cause I’m just to shit at finding good colors and everytime I think I found something good I either mess it up or the more I look at it the worse I get so I think I’m just done with it.
There’s no shame in just sticking to one color scheme for all your frames.
Otherwise, a website like this one might help with finding a color scheme to get inspired by.
i just do pride flag colors.
trans mesa prime
This is true peak fashion:
I just randomize until I find something that looks good, and customize from there. I’m awful at color coordination.
While I love creating atrocities with my colors, I think there is nothing wrong with playing default appearance. They are pretty as they are too.
my Octavia Prime is literally just a more vibrant version of the default colors. put a little spin on it and go from there
I have a set of colors I like to use, my Octavia has a skin though, so I keep her the Iridos colors.
Try to use color theory application of 50/40/10 rule Primary color 50, secondary 40 and accents 10. Where 50 is main most dark or most light color, 40 is secondary color complementing main one and 10 is accent opposite of main color and his compliment.
Examples: Indigo - blue - light orange; Black - grey - red; White - green - black; Light blue - grey - bordo;
Etc. Hope this helps)
whenever I have trouble with finding a color scheme, I just go to the Storm palette and pick colors from there. That’s the best investment I’ve made in warframe cosmetics honestly
Tbh the newer frames have mostly been pretty good with color schemes, especially the Primes. I rock the default Lunar New Year Grendel skin (Nian) cuz the scheme is just right.
That’s fine, I generally just run with prime warframe colors where I replace the light colors with black. The only thing I really spend time on is my pimp vauban look, which is basically just the color purple haha.