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One mom said she cried for 10 days after hearing she was being removed from her daughter’s birth certificate.

  • Melpomene
    461 year ago

    But the mayor of Padua, Sergio Giordani, is defying the government’s orders and continuing to issue birth certificates recognizing two-mom families.

    Hero right there. Let us hope that others follow in the mayor’s footsteps.

    • Cows Look Like Maps
      1 year ago

      Your bio:

      Black and proud. Ask me why I voted Trump

      I’m going to go out on limb and guess only one of those is true.

      • MisterMoo
        271 year ago

        Imagine being so dull that your username is “blackconservative” and, in an attempt to prove the latter, you just go around saying hateful/hurtful shit.

          • @mod
            61 year ago

            So you think it would be best if the biological father who donated his sperm is on the birth certificate?

              • @mod
                71 year ago

                Neither did I say that you said that. I was asking who should be on the birth certificate and who shouldn’t, since you were tersely implying that the married woman who wasn’t carrying the baby shouldn’t be on the birth certificate, because she is not her biological parent.

                So what are your thoughts? Who should be on the birth certificate and why?

        • ahugenerd
          141 year ago

          You need a safe space to dunk on the lesbian moms? Yup, definitely sounds like a Trump supporting conservative snowflake.

            • @melonfire
              1 year ago

              Yeah, adopted mothers. So? Why does that matter?

              Unless your point is that adoptive parents in general shouldn’t have the same rights as other parents (which is also a highly problematic stance), then the issue is with them being lesbians. Italy is very transparently using laws to enforce discrimination.

            • ahugenerd
              41 year ago

              Oofs, you’re not just a Black Conservative, but you’re a big ol’ dick aren’t you? What have they done to you that you look down on them so? Or are you perhaps just overcompensating?

            • @Cannacheques
              31 year ago

              Is this an attempt at humour or some complicated point?

        • @vd1n
          11 year ago

          deleted by creator