Illinois is adding tens of thousands of people to its population total, and California is getting misplaced sailors on an aircraft carrier put in the right location after successfully asking for a review of their 2020 census figures.

New York City also appears to have gotten an additional 1,090 people added to its population total recently after asking the Census Bureau to double-check the city’s numbers from the head count of every U.S. resident, city officials said.

The once-a-decade census produces population figures that help determine political power and the annual distribution of $2.8 trillion in federal funding. The Census Bureau has two programs giving governments opportunities to have their population totals reviewed and adjusted if need be. Nearly 200 requests for reviews were filed by tribal, local and state governments for the 2020 census.

  • DominusOfMegadeus
    236 months ago

    Good. Now let’s increase their representation in Congress, as it was designed

    • @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      Theres a lawsuit working it way through that might threaten to affect WIs reps after they purged on the order of 10% of their voters.

  • @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    This may be Trump’s most successfully ruined program. My wife worked for the census. A month and a half before they were supposed to be done, she got a text saying “We’re all done, thanks for the help”, and then her manager called her a week later asking why all her employees quit and returned their gear because there was still a ton of people who weren’t counted.