And once you’ve got those Keybindings in there they never leave. You just start typing expecting them to always work.
Any other type of program is ruined the more accustomed you get to vim.
And if youre smart, you set your life up so that they do!
This is the way!
You mean get rid of family and friends right?
I think you are exaggerating <esc>:wq
Yeah, you just have to find vim-supported versions of everything (real pros use qutebrowser!)
I’m embarrased how many times did I press ctrl-w in a browser exiting the tab.
Say Jarvis, do you want to spend weeks fine tuning your IDE? Because boy do I have a NeoVIM for you. And boy is it glorious.
The only thing Emacs lacks is a good editor.
Thankfully Evil-mode exists.
The fun thing about working in a place with a lot of vim users is that you’ll regularly see chat messages containing vim commands from people who didn’t realize what window they had open. It can be hilarious sometimes.
Well, that’s why I use
on Emacs.deleted by creator
I’ll probably steal this for the blender community