I’ve taught Root to people a bunch of times. This was supposed to be a quick dump of my mental notes, but I ended up putting in so much effort that I decided I might as well publish it. Maybe it will help someone.

I include teaching tips, explain how I deliver the teach, and outline rough talking points in each section. How is everyone else teaching games?

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Thanks for writing all this up! I have a friend group of mixed attention spans and this will be invaluable for next time. Asymmetric instruction is always such an uphill battle

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    This is really cool! My teach is usually a very similar order to what you list, but its nice to have something like this written down. I will probably steal this.

    For the Woodland Alliance, I usually deacribe them as “playing Pandemic, as the disease”. You are spreading around everywhere, and can pop up suddenly to devastate someone’s clearing if they aren’t keeping you in check.

    • SilverchaseOP
      24 months ago

      Oh, that’s a good example. I could never think of one.

  • HipPriest
    24 months ago

    That’s great! Since most of the people I play with are scattered geographically we play with the app and I actually learned via the app before getting a chance to play it on the table. It’s definitely a game where a lot of thought has been put into the tutorials