d’oh! beat me to it! LoL :-D
“Kritsky noted on his website, cicadasafari.org, that it’s rare to have a dual emergence between Broods XIII and XIX, an occurrence that only happens once every 221 years.” Ooh, go check out the website. Super nifty cicada info!!
Illinois and SE US should be the big locations. Anyone got cicada recipes they want to share?
I’ve heard connoisseurs recommend eating the newly molted cicadas when they’re as fresh as possible - before the exoskeleton has time to dry. This keeps their texture soft, like cooked shrimp. Or so I’m told.
A local pizza shop around here made cicada pizza with brook X a few years ago.
Option 3 might be something like those deep fried scorpion skewers you sometimes see in Asia. If you can get past the crunch, it might be nice with some spicy seasoning.
I saw one come up from the ground one time, and they appear very delicate at that point. It didn’t take long for it to find a place in the sun, the wings to uncurl, and harden, then it flew away. I’m seeing some recipes, basically fry and toss with salt, spices, lime, etc. I’m not in The Zone for this one, but there are always some around here in season.
Yay for Artie Shaw!!