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The original was posted on /r/askhistorians by /u/SteffonTheBaratheon on 2024-01-24 13:19:45+00:00.

So I watched a german documentary about Maria Stuart and it said that Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley slept with other MEN (plural!) and had a sexual relationship with David rizzio.

The documentary made it sound like this was a fact and not just a suggestive theory.

As a queer person myself, I got suspicious and interested, so I googled and can’t find anything on this ?

the ONLY thing I found is a post about the maria stuart mvoie with margot robbie from “thewrap”

and here it says: Guy has said that Rizzio and Darnley having a sexual relationship is true to history, and in British historian Anna Whitelock’s book “Elizabeth’s Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen’s Court,” she writes that Rizzio and “Darnley himself ‘would sometime lie in one bed together.’” (a dispatch from thomas randolph?)

but which specific sources are Anna Whitelock even using?

I found a book called “Notorious Royal Marriages” in which it says that renley was called a “great cock chick” by the court (which is very striking)

I’m happy about any answer related to the topic:)