The vast majority of people who use picture or video porn are men (women tend to prefer written erotica) and most men are straight. Saying “everyone should just make all the AI porn of whoever they want to destigmatize it” is forgetting that men will be largely left out. It is a terrible idea.
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Nah we gotta start doing it for men, make some real good dirty gay porn
Because as we know being gay is degrading and that’s how we should encourage it to be looked at as a society
No, but maybe straight men wouldn’t enjoy it if it was done to them, and then maybe then something would be done about it
Where did anyone say don’t do the same thing to ken?
The vast majority of people who use picture or video porn are men (women tend to prefer written erotica) and most men are straight. Saying “everyone should just make all the AI porn of whoever they want to destigmatize it” is forgetting that men will be largely left out. It is a terrible idea.
Do gay man not exist in your world?
Does reading comprehension not exist in your world?
I see where you acknowledged and then immediately dismissed them btw.
It does. Does it in yours?