Hello! Recently I’ve bought a pair of LetShuoer S12s and absolutely loved them! They’re by far the best set of IEMs/headphones I’ve ever had. For reference the only “headphones” I’ve ever used were gaming headsets and a KZ ZSX that serves me very well until now.

These, for now, are my absolute favorite IEMs/Headphones of all time, just bought a cx31993 and a pair of Spinfit W1s to use with the S12s since they’re on sale on AliExpress and am planning on getting either a HD600 or a DT1990 Pro next.

So I ask you guys, which headphones are your favorites? Which headphones just make you go “Yeah, this is it.”

  • perezoso@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I always wanted to try the k240s but ended up with the newer version k245 that’s since been discontinued. I’ve got 3 pairs of overear AKGs so it’d be overkill getting the k240s as well.