First day of the weekend. Let’s goooooooo!

  • 🇦🇺Baku
    2 years ago

    I’ve actually only been on one so far (in melbs, anyway), it was out in Box Hill. I don’t remember which one, but I was on a “fun” exploration sesh, middle of winter at like 7pm. Waited at a pitch black bus stop in the middle of suburbia (although it felt more like the middle of whoop whoop) for a bus that rocked up half an hour late. It was one with the double plug style doors at the front, and half of it didn’t open. The entire thing reeked of piss and there were flickering lights too. I said hello to the bus driver and he floored it the second I was in the door

    Sounds like a scene out of jigsaw, but somehow the only absolutely dreadful bus I’ve been on in Melbourne