The bipartisan border deal appears on the verge of combustion, and President Joe Biden on Tuesday placed the blame for that squarely on Donald Trump.
“All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically,” Biden said in remarks from the State Dining Room.
“He’d rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. So for the last 24 hours, he’s done nothing, I’m told, but reach out to Republicans in the House and the Senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote against this proposal,” the president said. “And looks like they’re caving.”
I think there are many many people who would disagree with your assertion that fairness should be the goal. That’s not to say they’re correct but if you take that implicit assumption for granted then you have no hope of understanding their position and therefore little hope of addressing the problem in any meaningful sense.
For most of them, cruelty is the goal.
I don’t really care to understand to positions of horrible people.