In an unsurprising story out of Denver, CO, 29-year-old Ethan Gaines says he’s “firmly against” the regulation of deepfakes, while simultaneously being the main reason why they should be regulated.
“Deepfakes being regulated is an infringement upon my rights!” Ethan told reporters. “I should
The past month or so I’ve started encountering quite a few deepfakes on dating sites. I honestly can’t tell they’re deepfakes just by looking; the only reason I’ve realised tell is because they were very obviously Instagram model photos. I reverse image searched them to find where they were taken from and confirm my suspicions that the profile’s using stolen photos, only to find that the original photos aren’t quite the same. It’ll be the exact same shot with the same body but a different face, and with identifying tattoos removed, moles adds, etc.
If they weren’t obvious modelling shots that made me want to reverse image search them, I wouldn’t have known at all. It makes me wonder how many deepfaked images I’ve encountered on dating sites already and just not known about because they’ve been fairly innocuous-looking photos…