I think most all of us here on Lemmy are people with technical background. Most of my professional contacts remained using Reddit, Twitter and even excited when Threads launched.

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  • Running_Out_Of_Plans
    1 year ago

    Absolutely agree that copyleft, privacy, open source software are important no matter who you are.

    I don’t work on servers or anything for a living. I need some systems knowledge for my job, but mostly it’s focused on talking to people and relaying information.

    But I believe in this sort of thing because allowing capitalist corporations to control large parts of our daily toolset is bullshit, and it leads to bad outcomes. Shitty subscription models, stagnation, being squeezed for every penny.

    I hate the control that a tiny number of unelected assholes have over us. The sharing society of the future will not have copyright in the traditional sense.