There are so many wrestling companies and nothing good enough to watch a full episode. I’m tried watching YouTube shows such as MLW and NWA, AEW clibs or highlights, TNA, and I can’t watch anything.

Back in 2008-09 I had a very strong passion for Thursday nights to watch TNA Impact, I was excited and waited for Thursday to watch. For years now I can’t watch through a full entire wrestling episode from any company at all. Are all televised companies bad or has wrestling itself gotten awful? Do wrestlers not know how to perform compared to wrestlers 20 years ago?

    2 months ago

    Personally I just watch TNA these days. But even then, I skip through a lot of it at this point. But I settled with TNA because it’s the one (semi) major promotion that doesn’t expect you to watch three or four, three hour long shows a week, and keep up with PPVs and specials, and follow social media accounts.

    And it’s a revolving door, so you get to see a lot of up and comers on their way to bigger things and veterans that need to up their stock again and remind everyone they exist. Even Okada made a stop there not long ago. Plus, since I started watching, they’ve had crossovers with various small indies, Lucha Underground, AAA, NJPW, AEW and now WWE. They’re the real forbidden door.

    But I’m gonna be honest, I mostly watch for the ladies these days and skip most other stuff. I started watching in the era of undead morticians, pig farmers and plumbers so I get my kicks from the more creative, dramatic stuff. And I personally find that in men’s wrestling, there’s too many ‘John Smith, the wrestler who wrestles good’ types around these days, and not enough characters. Whereas women’s wrestling is still chock full of interesting and unique characters and stories. In TNA, at least.