• Ada
    425 months ago

    He needs to do something to distract from the news headlines about the awful start to his presidency, so he went for bigotry.

  • Rosco
    335 months ago

    Why are all far-right political figures batshit insane? I mean they’re already racist greedy assholes, do they really need to be even more unlikable…?

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Note that even crusaders didn’t demolished the mosque, though they turned the Dome into the church and rest of mosque into palace, later Knights Templar had their headquarters there. When Saladin liberated the city he turned it back to mosque with really urgent speed (and he also didn’t demolish but repurposed Templar additions).

      • RubberDuck
        75 months ago

        Herod built the first buildings there before the year 0. Romans destroyed it, then several iterations of buildings followed before the first mosque was built, razed, rebuilt, repurposed, repurposed again.

        This site is as culturally relevant as the Parthenon and the colloseum. Calling for it’s destruction is crazy.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    If this twat decides to take another run at the Falklands Conflict and saves the Tories from certain electoral defeat (again) then I just give up.

  • ivanafterall
    5 months ago

    I hope he puts his money where his mouth is and sends Argentinian forces to Jerusalem. WHY NOT, AT THIS POINT!? Let’s get this show on the road!

    Edit: Whoops, not sure where Venezuela came from.