• @[email protected]
    3011 year ago

    Well stop doing your part. Stop interacting with Reddit. They are almost certainly doing Place right now just to boost their numbers and you’re falling for it

      • @[email protected]
        1031 year ago

        “Oh no, anyways…”

        Says the Reddit execs as they show off their numbers to VCs as they prepare for their IPO

        • @[email protected]
          311 year ago

          Investors care about the potential for future growth and thus future increased profits. They don’t give a shit about what a company is doing today, except to the extent it is predictive of the future. Investors look at this and see lots of activity of users who actively hate the company, that’s not future growth.

          To take an unfortunate example, imagine if Bud Light had a bump in sales because a bunch of right wing lunatics were buying extra just so they could make videos of them throwing away, shooting, blowing up, or otherwise destroying the beer while vowing never to drink it again. Does an investor look at that bump in sales and say “oh neat, look how well Bud Light is doing, I should invest!” or do they say “A lot of Bud Light’s core consumer base is pissed as hell and probably not going to be buying this product in the future, there is limited potential for future growth, I’m out”?

          • @[email protected]
            181 year ago

            They don’t give a shit about what a company is doing today, except to the extent it is predictive of the future. Investors look at this and see lots of activity of users who actively hate the company, that’s not future growth

            Yes. And if you look at Reddit today, it’s still alive and full of buzz.

            The third-party app userbase was a small percentage of the site.

            Most people are indifferent and so they keep using it.

              • @[email protected]
                611 months ago

                There are magnitudes more OC on Reddit than Lemmy just by nature of their user base size. There are bots and reposts, sure, but Lemmy pales in comparison to the amount of OC on Reddit

          • @[email protected]
            151 year ago

            You say investors see lots of active users who actively hate the site and don’t see future growth.

            I think they see a lot of users who say they hate the site but despite that they still use the site and the numbers continue to grow. To me that sounds like a dependent user base that even through hard times continues to grow.

        • LEX
          91 year ago

          Do you think those VC vultures are looking at those numbers in a vacuum? I highly doubt it.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Precisely this.

          C-suite cares about one thing: “Number go up”

          They do not give a shit why people are still on reddit. They look at the site traffic analytics and as long as the numbers are going up, they think they’re doing the right thing. Your mere presence on the site is only seen as opportunity for them to squeeze out more ad revenue.

          “But I don’t click on the ads!”

          They don’t care about that either! Every time an ad appears on your screen, that gets recorded as a data point in their analytics, regardless of whether or not you interact with it.

          They just want to see the numbers go up. They don’t care how it happens, as long as it happens.

          If you want to hit them where it hurts, stop engaging with the site.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        They don’t care. You’re not even bed bugs to these people. You’re just the siren that’s heard 20 blocks away downtown at 10 pm.

        No biggie. Par of the course.

      • samsy
        61 year ago

        The black hole? Do your homework, it’s the void.

        Btw. Why just “fuckspez” the Lemmy mascot would be better.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        “Oh no, anyways…”

        Says the Reddit execs as they show off their numbers to VCs as they prepare for their IPO

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Yes, they ban moderators in the full knowledge in reducing the quality and well behavedness of users and to increase traffic by upset people. This is exactly what they want: upset people = engagement. This how Twitter works or maybe used to work, I didn’t follow the recent changes too closely.

    • @[email protected]
      471 year ago

      100% agree. I’m one of the April Knights that team up every April Fool’s for the events. They are 4000% doing this to boost numbers. Fuck them entirely. I refuse to participate.

      That being said, we need to have our own April Fools event. I wonder if anyone would be interested in this? If there is enough of it, I’ll see if I can take on a new coding project.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      R/place will increase their traffic no matter what. At least the picture can convey the protest message so they know we aren’t going to move past it that easily. Plus, keeping r/place open all day is increasing their server costs while providing no ad revenue. I don’t go to reddit other than to spread to good word of Lemmy and to downvote admins so I think that has more benefit to us than to them.

      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        At least the picture can convey the protest message so they know we aren’t going to move past it that easily.

        As if that means anything to them?

        You’re a minority.

        don’t go to reddit other than to spread to good word of Lemmy and to downvote admins so I think that has more benefit to us than to them.

        Reddit admins ABSOLUTELY RUINED by frequent EXPLETIVES and DOWNVOTES

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I don’t think we are a minority at all. Look at any admin communication and all you see are complaints related to the changes. Also I think the protests actually are hurting moral at Reddit, and could potentially affect their IPO, but I’m mostly just enjoying a bit of schadenfreude from watching how poorly things can go for them. I know it won’t affect their decisions in the end. https://lemmy.world/post/1796444

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          If you think their individual contribution there doesn’t matter, why do you think their individual contribution leaving the site matters.

          We’re always a minority.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            I don’t think it matters.

            I left the site, disappointed, because Reddit was great. I’m a transplant.

            I understand why everyone is angry. It’s a natural response, but after 2 months of this you’d think we’d have realized that there isn’t much that can be done.

            Reddit is going to aim to profit. There isn’t much to it beyond that.

    • /home/pineapplelover
      31 year ago

      I think it would be beneficial if we get Lemmy exposure on there. Sure their numbers might go up but some people will leave knowing how shit the platform is.

      • Overzeetop
        151 year ago

        I guess a better marketing ploy would have been

        Lemmy Sez
        Fuck Spez

        A good rhyme and well-justified text can do a lot of hard work.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      I did stop interacting with Reddit, I only put one pixel in because there are still a lot of people there that haven’t given up yet and this is their way of protesting.
      Even if it’s not the way I choose for myself, I still respect them for holding the ground.
      This is my homage for those people.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            One doesn’t need to be a scientist to see that you are incapable of leaving Reddit. Look at all your justifications for staying.

            • @[email protected]OP
              11 months ago

              Kid I’ve been on Lemmy way longer than you because I started searching for alternatives way before the whole thing blew up.
              You silly guys that joined 1 month ago with your last minute righteousness can all line up and suck my balls , but before please take all those bull shit out of your mouth that’s not really hygienic

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                Lmao oh this is a Lemmy seniority test now?? It’s a website haha. Mazel tov on you being here longer. You truly are worth praise for that. But if that makes you feel better and happy then I want you to have it :) who am I to take away your self worth?

  • @[email protected]
    9211 months ago

    Do your part by not getting baited into reddit my friend. You are providing revenue to them by doing so.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 months ago

      Dude I know, it’s like the 100th comment like this: I get it.
      But stop being so invested in what you think is true and consider this: there are still a lot of people protesting reddit on reddit because they want to stay there and they don’t like the direction it is going.

      My grandfather used to say “we didn’t beat the fascists by ignoring them: that’s how they got the power in the first place”. And while I’m a firm believer that boycotting is the best way of dealing with this sort of problems, I believe that sometime it’s also efficient to scream “fuck you” to somebody’s face.
      Like 90% boycotting and 10% “fuck you” seems a good ratio.

      [Gets down from the soap box]

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Only (lol) difference is the Nazis were talking something finite (land, resources, freedom).

        Reddit is ephemeral, if no one went there it wouldn’t “hurt” anyone

        • @portalsentinel
          211 months ago

          Although comparing Reddit to fascists is ridiculous, your argument isn’t quite right, either.

          Reddit IS taking something very finite: people. There’s only so many people in the world using this type of social media, and an overwhelming majority of them stick to one platform.

          If Reddit just went belly up, Lemmy would have increased traffic.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Obviously this community has two valid, opposing viewpoints on this, but I’m with you. I just can’t imagine that the small amount of traffic generated by those actively protesting really amounts to big bucks or metrics for the site.

        Meanwhile the ability to immortalize “fuck [the CEO]” on his own platform is probably pretty rare throughout human history.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 months ago

        Ah yes, here we go, comparing changing the color in some pixel to someone risking his life and that of his family.

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 months ago

          I love that when somebody tries to explain their point of view, there’s always a fucking smooth-brained, shirt-drooling piece of shit with zero self awareness that calls names and uses “SJW” improperly.
          I was exposing my idea with an analogy, y’all are the SJWs, telling people what is right or wrong like you’re all fucking Moses with the fucking stone tablets all the way up their asses and getting all riled up by the existence of a fucking meme. The level of hypocrisy you reached with less of 10 words is outstanding.

  • @[email protected]
    761 year ago

    Just a reminder for anyone that wants to check up on r/place without giving Reddit your money, there are tons and tons of twitch streams that show how r/place currently looks.

    If you aren’t actively helping create the “fuck spez” check our r/place without giving Reddit traffic.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Honestly y’all are just bragging about how dumb y’all are at this point.

    “I’m gonna protest a website I hate by giving them more traffic! That will show them”

    Do y’all pay grifters your money to spite them too?

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 months ago

      “I’m gonna protest a website I hate by giving them more traffic! That will show them”

      “I’m gonna disagree with a meme by commenting over and over so it will stay relevant for days”
      You guys can’t even follow your own logic

  • redcalcium
    3011 months ago

    Looks like they won’t publish a timelapse video after it’s all over like last year.

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    Anything else of note so far? How big is the “Fuck spez” section relative to the whole canvas?

    Also how long until admins “fix” it, I wonder…

    • ianis
      61 year ago

      dont think they will do that, they arent suicidal

    • Lev_Astov
      31 year ago

      I can’t imagine it would be that hard for this to have been designed to ignore input from users that contributed to certain pixels, allowing them to control what shows up on Place.

  • WaffleFriends
    191 year ago

    Wait wait wait Reddit is going r/place right now??? Why on earth would they do that

    • MerylasFalguard
      481 year ago

      Probably because it’s historically generated a ton of traffic and they’re trying to fluff up their numbers to hide the aftermath of their mistakes.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      100% for traffic/numbers to show investors and advertising companies. Don’t give them the satisfaction, it’s better to stay away.

    • ji59
      31 year ago

      I heard it was planned for 23. June, but postponed because of the protests

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Boy am I glad we don’t have that nonsense on lemmy. Why people care about that garbage is beyond me.

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        The first r/place in 2017 was genuinely special. It was totally unique, and it was a really cool social experiment to see how people could collaborate. By the time the second one came out it was obvious the bots were out in full force. None of my individual contributions lasted long. I have zero interest in doing it again.

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    This whole situation feels like the wotc strike, Laziness wins and the corporate god doesn’t have to deal with consequences

  • GeekFTW
    1 year ago

    Hard at work on the K at your 10 o’clock soldier! o7

    • Seigest
      41 year ago

      If you really wanted to make him mad you’d have left the damn thing blank.

      These are just adding threads to his golden parachute.