Happy Valentines Day all! <3
We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we’re here together!
Welcome to the 24 hour pledge! I’m pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.
Maybe you’re new to c/stopdrinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you’re like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you’ve been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.
It doesn’t matter if you’re still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, let’s not drink alcohol!
Thanks, man. Giving it hell trying. Used it as a crutch to crash at out nights for far too fuckin long. Didn’t realize what it had become until it was too late, and pointed out by my girl… Tougher than I thought. But I’m not drinking with ya today, brother.
I feel that. Took me a bit to get back to a normal sleep pattern. Felt like I had to relearn how to fall asleep. I can actually fall asleep somewhat quickly now without liquor and most nights I sleep thru the night. It’s almost kindof weird to me. Haha. The first week, week and a half were kinda tough for me as my body bounced back and forth while it stabilized itself and not just sleep wise. Some withdrawal effects come a few days or even sometimes a week after you stop drinking. If you start feeling that, be patient, things get better. I will not drink with you today.
What withdrawal effects did you encounter?
Oh man, which time I quit? Lol. Let’s see though, in general the first couple days after a nasty binge, I would experience elevated resting heart rate, super easy to get winded, fatigue, tough time getting to sleep, inability to sleep for more than a couple hours at a time, random nausea, sometimes heart palpitations, brain fog, maybe some vomiting, off and on cold sweats and what I would like to call internal tremors where it feels like I’m shaking but my hands are steady.
Last time was the worst binge I’ve had and after a week straight of getting black out everyday on a couple liters of vodka a day, I ended going to the hospital to get some drugs to help me with the withdrawals. It was an insane and horrible feeling finally “coming to” saying where the fuck did this last week go and learning from my wife I not only almost died from alcohol poisoning, but I was trapped from the withdrawal symptoms. I tried cold turkey and I went four days straight with about 2 hours of sleep total. I was about to start hallucinating, I could feel it coming but I didn’t quite get there. Along with all the other symptoms I was also getting some serious anxiety and panic, I felt myself losing it and it felt like I was legit going crazy until my wife got me some vodka and after a few shots my system calmed down and I almost felt normal. It was at that point I knew I was trapped and wouldn’t be able to taper down as quick as I needed with the holidays ending and me going back to work and I decided I finally needed help so I went to the hospital. 0/10 not recommended, not my proudest time in my life…
Holy shit man that’s crazy.
I’m not close to being that bad, but I am trying to stop for a while and it’s hard. The sleep thing is kinda messing with me a little
Good, don’t get that bad. I didn’t used to be either. It’s crazy how slowly and yet how quickly this shit can sneak up on you. Take care of yourself, and usually the sleep sorts itself out after about a week for me. Light exercise in the evening like going for a walk, turning down the lights, getting off your phone, and nice warm shower helps my system calm down and sleep easier. If all else fails, give it time. Fucking time, the answer is always time, as much as I hate it. lol
That’s good advice. I appreciate your time. Thank you
Yeah mate, no worries :)
Wow it was crazy busy at work today for me, what a great thread today!!!
OMG yes the cold sweats. I went to the ER once because I was sweating and had chills for over 24 hours. Looking back I was detoxing and didn’t know it. They apparently didn’t either. :(. Took me a few times to realize it.
Yeah, those fucking cold sweats. I washed my sheets so many times, was tempted to get a cheap mattress protector at one point, haha. <- sad laugh
That’s too fuckin familiar, man. Fuck…
Oh, and for the longer effect withdrawals. They seem to be less noticeable for me, but depression, increased need for sleep (probably paying off that sleep debt), still not feeling super sharp, either noticeably increased or decreased appetite, and little spikes of anxiety. But I also might just have some mental stuff I need to work on with a therapist as well. But I do notice that like the first couple days after I stop drinking, I feel worse in general, then a week after I almost feel weirdly good for a bit, then around week 1.5 to 2 I feel down and crappy for a few days (kindof a funk, then I even out.
Week 1 is dangerous for me because I’m feeling great and think I have it figured out so a few drinks on the weekend sounds nice and I surely won’t slip into a reckless binge like before…. lol. Week 1.5-2.5 is dangerous for me because it’s easy for me to slip back into drinking to deal with the funk and negativity I’m feeling. At a month it’s dangerous because I’ve forgotten most of the negative shit I went thru and maybe my wife is wanting a nice night cap and “I’m a changed man that can finally drink in moderation”.
Sorry, probably a ton more than what you were asking for but I find talking/writing about it cathartic and helps keep me going and I guess you happened to be my journal for the day, lol.
No this kinda hits with me also. I’ve struggled with the same thing as you as far as trying to stay sober.
Crazy the similarities huh? Wouldn’t have believed it myself if I didn’t see the same shit happening with my wife. She was just a bit further behind me on that path of alcohol abuse so when she started noticing this stuff I started channeling my inner Marty McFly from back to the future, “hey! I know this one! I’ve seen it before”. lol
😂 that’s pretty good analogy.
I’m really feeling that rollercoaster thing at the moment… I’ve been an after work drinker for a pretty good while, now. The original intent wasn’t even to go to sleep. But, man, I’ve really grown dependant on it to get to sleep. Had no clue whatsoever that sleep would be a thing at all… I don’t know if it’s proper to say it here, but with all honesty, so far the only thing that helps is sex. The only nights I’ve had any substantial amount of good sleep were after good sex. Still not a full night of good sleep, but two/three hours of consecutive blessed rest and sleep.
Today marks my first week without. The first seven days without any alcohol in at least a couple years. I’m feeling better than I should, I suppose, but it’s still not easy. Really wanted to drink when I got outta work today, but I didn’t. Went and did something important with my girl, had dinner, getting ready to hit the showers and call it and early night.
Thanks for being around, CG. Keep on not drinking. We made it another day.
Oh man, yeah. Won’t go into it here either, but the thing about sex is spot on for me too. Totally makes sense considering alcohol floods your system with dopamine. Over time with continued use, that makes your brain basically dependent on alcohol for dopamine and your body seriously down regulates how much it makes normally for other things.
Dopamine isn’t just pleasure either, it’s a serious neurological regulator in a ton of different ways. Wanna know why you might have lost motivation for and get less enjoyment from doing things like going to the movies, mowing the lawn, working out, cleaning, working on that project that’s been sitting in the garage for months/years, etc? Used to be passionate about working on motorcycles, painting, hiking, meeting new people but now feel flat and uninterested? Your dopamine system is blown out, you’re desensitized and alcohol has subconsciously trained your brain to be its main and pretty much only source of it.
The… uh… intimates acts you’re referring to, whether alone or with someone is also a strong source (if not the strongest source) of natural dopamine and the nice buzz after knocking back a couple of drinks or shots real quick can almost feel similar. You’re just trying to not feel like shit and you’ve discovered one of the only ways you can do that right now is with those intimate acts.
Sleep will get better over the next couple days but as much as everything sucks right now, stick it out, cause the cool thing is that given some time your system will start to readjust itself to not having alcohol as an easy source of dopamine and it will come back to normal.
I bet it meant the world to your girl today the time you spent with her and the fact you did it clear headed. I’m glad to be here, and keep kicking ass man!
How the hell you know I’ve had a Subaru in my shop for a year…?? Just kidding, but you fuckin Nailed it! Yet another thing I hadn’t attributed to being hammered every day after work… Man, you’ve got a really good grasp on this shit, and a way with words that really helps.
About to kick off day 8. Sleep was soooo much better last night. Intimates really are the fucking secret weapon.
It meant more to her than any Valentine’s Day bullshit ever could.
Haha, yeah, that pile of wood in my garage still hasn’t assembled itself into a workbench for me for some reason… lol. Appreciate the kind words.
Glad to hear about the sleep, it can make a world of a difference!
And the new memories I’m making with my wife is a big part of why I’m doing this and what keeps me going. I absolutely hate being in pics myself, but if your girl is anything like mine, pull out your phone once in a while a snap a quick pic when you’re doing something fun together and send her the pic and she will love you a ton for that.
Damn, that’s good thinking…
I hate pictures, “I take memories, not pictures…” a million times I’ve said that. She takes a ton. I just never think to…
Been a good day at work today, I’m feeling better, definitely getting going earlier, not fighting a fuckin hangover the first couple hours at work, driving in hoping I don’t get pulled over on the way to work, trying to decide if I’m hungover, or still fuckin drunk from the night before… Damn, I hadn’t thought of so much shit that should’ve blatantly told me how far I’d gone down the rabbit hole… It’s much better to come in and grab my tools, rather than try to grab a hit or two off the fuckin torch oxygen to get my ass in gear…
She’s been a huge fucking blessing. I should surely do more thoughtful shit for and with her. Great suggestion. Keep hanging on, man. And thank you.
So fucking good to have a real night’s sleep finally. Still woke a couple times, but nothing at all like it’s been. We just wore ourselves the fuck out, curled up and crashed the fuck out. Best night in a long fuckin time.
Damn, that’s good thinking…
I hate pictures, “I take memories, not pictures…” a million times I’ve said that. She takes a ton. I just never think to…
Been a good day at work today, I’m feeling better, definitely getting going earlier, not fighting a fuckin hangover the first couple hours at work, driving in hoping I don’t get pulled over on the way to work, trying to decide if I’m hungover, or still fuckin drunk from the night before… Damn, I hadn’t thought of so much shit that should’ve blatantly told me how far I’d gone down the rabbit hole… It’s much better to come in and grab my tools, rather than try to grab a hit or two off the fuckin torch oxygen to get my ass in gear…
She’s been a huge fucking blessing. I should surely do more thoughtful shit for and with her. Great suggestion. Keep hanging on, man. And thank you.
So fucking good to have a real night’s sleep finally. Still woke a couple times, but nothing at all like it’s been. We just wore ourselves the fuck out, curled up and crashed the fuck out. Best night in a long fuckin time.