I often think about stellar albums. The ones where they’re really isn’t a skip-able track. Off the top of my head, these come to mind: The Beach Boys Pet Sounds, Collective Soul Collective Soul (blue album), Bush 16 Stone, and Green Day Dookie. What are some of your perfect albums?
Makoto Matsushita - First Light
Pigeons Playing Ping Pong - Psychology, Presto
Dogs in a Pile - Bloom, Not Your Average Beagle
Nautilus - Refrain
Teako Onuki - Mignonne, Sunshower
Grateful Dead - Cornell 5/8/77, American Beauty
Anthrax - Spreading the Disease
Bad Religion - No Control, The Empire Strikes First
Led Zeppelin - II, IV
Joe Satriani - Surfing With the Alien
War Bringer - Woe to the Vanquished
Havok - Conformicide
Loudness - Thunder in the East
Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent Places
Rainbow - Difficult to Cure, Straight Between the Eyes
Casiopea - CASIOPEA, Asian Dreamer, Material
Phish - Farmhouse, Hoist
Gloryhammer - Tales from the Kingdom of Fife
Might’ve went a bit overboard lol
Have you listened to Return to The Kingdom of Fife yet?