With over 600 members c/amateur_radio isn’t a small community. There is however very little traffic and even less engagement. What kind of content are you actually looking for here ?

  • Dusty
    311 months ago

    Stuff and… things…

    I’m not super active (and wasn’t on reddit either) so I’m mostly here to see what other people are doing, and learn some things.

  • @martin77OP
    11 months ago

    Thanks to the ones who have answered already. As far as I’m concerned, over the years and due to a number of relocation accross 3 continents I have slowly moved to someone who rarely picks-up a microphone. I have however found interest in skimming activites that I tend to easily combine with a heavy work scheduele.

    Over the years I have activated one of the rare RBN Skimmers in South East Asia first in 9V ( Singapore ) for close to a decade and in HS ( Thailand ) since 2021. The RBN runs on a Red Pitaya that can skimm up to 16 slots of 192 kHz at a time and I skimm CW, RTTY, FT8 and WSPR for almost all HF bands. That data is also use to run a WebSDR. Other than that I also skimm AIS on 162 MHz, ADSB on 1090 MHz and a local ( and the only ) CW / FT8 beacon in HS that’s is located just north of Bangkok. I also have interest in skimming other bands such as satellites on VHF/UHF and when I relocate to EuropeI would definitely be someone that follows weather baloons.

    I’m always interested in DIY projects and overall it’s more about the journey than the destination. If it involves RF, 3D printing , Raspberry PIs and microcontrollers it’s usually for me !

    With no offence to anyone, and coming from r/amateur_radio I have no interest in knowing you just passed your licence, that you managed your first DX qso, or that the 20m is open in North America.

  • comfortablyglum
    211 months ago

    I don’t practice, but my partner does. So I keep an eye out for potential news and interesting stuff posted. I shared the recent fcc story with him; he might not have known about it otherwise.

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    Reports on

    • activations
    • new gear
    • build antennas
    • local club culture and general tips and tricks.

    I’m not new to the hobby but still new to actually being on air besides contesting with my club and have to further set up my own station at home.

  • Reddit-Refugee
    111 months ago

    I’d like to think that I’m a bit of an Elmer (licensed 50 years ago). So ready and happy to offer advice to newbie licensees!

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Folks sharing any interesting ham content they find.

    And while I am an M0.

    A much more welcoming enviroment for newbies and mistakes then we see on other ham gatherings.