Judge Engoron just handed Trump 355 million reminders that he is not, in fact, above our great city’s laws.

  • @[email protected]
    164 months ago

    “For years I was part of the problem, and now that someone is finally holding him accountable I’ll tell you that I knew it all along.”

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Reeks of didn’t read the article because everything mentioned, such as a 1974 discrimination case, Central Park five(1989), and his dad’s casino chip purchase (1991) predated Bill de Blasio’s term (2014-2021)

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          He stood idly by and did nothing except for when he himself was running for president against Trump and started an attack campaign against him that fizzled once he couldn’t get into the primaries. The same campaign where he spent $300,000 of the city’s money on his campaign and didn’t repay, racking up a $150,000 fine. The same campaign that he took inappropriate donations on, and was fined another $50k by the FEC. Is that what you are talking about? The upstanding citizen Bill de Blasio, the towering pillar of virtue that dedicated his career to fighting corporate and political greed. You’re right, I didn’t read the article. I didn’t fucking need to.

  • magnetosphere
    4 months ago

    As far as I’m concerned, he has not genuinely suffered any consequences until he ACTUALLY pays up or goes to prison.

    • @atzanteol
      14 months ago

      For christ sakes… Just take the f’ing win already.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        Like when was impeached?

        What does the win achieve other than energising his supporters against the Demonrats, deep state, sinister Jewish cabal, trans kids, or whatever enemy they’ve confected this month? Everyone else knows he’s a crook - this is a net loss in the absence of actual consequences.

        I don’t want to get overexcited and pop my champagne at the latest possibility of getting a glimpse of boob meaningful consequences - I’ve spent enough time being wet, sticky, disappointed and full of shame, thanks.

      • DreamerofDays
        34 months ago

        It’s the internet. A truly gobsmacking number of people can’t.

        We’re riding around in a machine that runs on outrage, and we’re as susceptible to conditioning as any creature. It’s unsurprising to me, particularly as I empathise with the urge to keep being wary and upset.

        • magnetosphere
          4 months ago

          That’s because for a gobsmacking number of people, judicial decisions are the absolute final word. My attitude wouldn’t be nearly so cynical if we were talking about an average person, like you or me.

          For this putrid waste of oxygen, though, judicial decisions are just another inconvenience for his lawyers to appeal, delay, or simply ignore. It doesn’t even matter if those lawyers are incompetent. Some magical circumstances always seem to protect him from consequences.

      • @Ghyste
        24 months ago

        People have died because of this shitstain. It’s good that there’s progress but you can’t blame people for wanting solid evidence that this fucknugget has taken a hit.

      • admiralteal
        04 months ago

        He’s still probably going to be president again in 18 months. None of this stuff is hurting his polling, and more and more people are evangelizing being never-Bideners, especially in places like this.

        It’s not a win yet. And there never will be a win. The enemies of democracy only need to succeed once.

  • bedrooms
    34 months ago

    I’m convinced by the opinion that Putin will funnel money for this through Trump’s golden sneaker sell scheme. According to this theory, Trump’s not gonna pay with his money.

    I wonder if this dark money would give him some consequence on its own. Maybe more kompromats in the US, I don’t know…

    • DarkGamerOP
      4 months ago

      I suspect there was good kompromat on the hacked GOP e-mail servers, which were curiously not leaked like they did with the DNC’s.