• @[email protected]
    174 months ago

    Gimme an open world game where I’m the terminator and I’m tracking down my Sarah Connor equivalent and doing various covert or not so covert actions that lead to the creation and rise of skynet.

    If I’m defeated I’m taken back to a new machine body in the future to see the effects of my timeline meddling, pick up a new target and head back into the past and the open world.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Damn this sounds kinda like it could play like Shadows of Doubt. You’re in a city full of people, but you have a specific target you need to kill. Maybe you need to do it in a certain way? You stalk them, find out where they live, find out they’re schedule for the day, and then pick a right time to finish them off.

  • @thecrotch
    24 months ago

    I had an open world Terminator game back in 93 or 94. You could play Kyle Reese and protect Sarah, or as the Terminator and hunt her. Graphics weren’t great but that fact that you could go anywhere in the city blew my mind at the time