• Drusas
    84 months ago

    “Illegal” is not a fucking noun and I will die on that hill.

    • NeuromancerM
      -24 months ago

      I will admit I use the term out of laziness but you are correct. It shouldn’t be used to disparage people.

      I actually don’t fault the illegal aliens. I fault the government for not cracking down on the employers and border.

      • Drusas
        4 months ago

        Thank you. The illegal immigrants are doing what they believe is best for them and their families. Anybody would.

        If we actually want to tackle illegal immigration, we need to throw a lot of money and a lot of employees at the problem to fast track asylum claims and deportations. Our economy also absolutely depends on the inexpensive labor that they provide, so there should be a straightforward path to temporary work visas for, for example, migrant agricultural workers.

        They’re going to be here either way. Let them pay taxes, earn some money, and go home. If they want to become citizens, there’s a process for that for longer-term immigrants.

        Having said all that, obviously I’m not conservative because I don’t think we should just be putting up razor wire and deporting everybody. But there is a mutually beneficial relationship between migrants looking for work in the US and employers looking for labor. As it is now, the employers just take advantage of the migrants and the migrants are the ones who get demonized, while it’s the employers who are the ones encouraging illegal immigration and depriving the US of tax dollars.

        • NeuromancerM
          -24 months ago

          Our economy also absolutely depends on the inexpensive labor that they provide, It shouldn’t. People should be paid a fair wage. Jobs should provide a living wage.

          so there should be a straightforward path to temporary work visas for, for example, migrant agricultural workers.

          There is but nobody wants to use it. That is why we need to punish the employers. Trump actually uses the Visa properly.

        • @MomoTimeToDie
          -14 months ago

          Do tell why you felt the need to make a brand new account for overstepping

        • @MomoTimeToDie
          -14 months ago

          Lmao and you even fucking deleted it when called out. You guys are really working to be just as bad as reddit admins

  • @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    At this point, Republicans have only themselves to blame. They had a chance to get everything they wanted in terms of border security but turned it down because their beholden to Trump’s oversized knickers. They can lay in the bedbug ridden bed they made with their first day dictator.

      • @MomoTimeToDie
        -34 months ago

        So because democrat mouthpiece msnbc says some random bs, it’s automatically true?

        • PizzaMan
          4 months ago

          No, it’s true because he was literally caught on video saying it. MSNBC is not the only news source reporting it.

          Real “don’t look up moment” right here.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            Great movie. I found it was a blast to show to conservative family members and watch them try to convince themselves the movie was actually making fun of “the libs”

            • PizzaMan
              24 months ago

              I can only imagine the metal hoops they must have been jumping through for that.

          • @MomoTimeToDie
            04 months ago

            Just saying “literally” doesn’t make your fiction into fact

            • ArxCyberwolf
              14 months ago

              So you’re going to ignore his entire argument because of word usage…? Do better, Momo. This isn’t what good faith discussion looks like.

              • PizzaMan
                24 months ago

                I wish there was a rule around here requiring good faith discussion. But then again they can’t even enforce civility around here.

                • ArxCyberwolf
                  24 months ago

                  That would require moderation to have a backbone. Momo has been hostile and an asshole for months and nothing’s ever been done about them. The mods don’t know how to do their jobs and just give endless, toothless warnings.

              • @MomoTimeToDie
                -24 months ago

                Why should I give full faith to an argument based around obvious lies from a perpetual liar?

                • ArxCyberwolf
                  14 months ago

                  You were never interested in having a good faith argument in the first place, Momo. You’re here to yell at people and act like a buffoon at any given moment.

    • @OnlyTakesLsOP
      04 months ago

      That bill did not tighten border security.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -14 months ago

      They had a chance to get everything they wanted

      Lmao in what fucking universe? It was an awful bill that barely fucking gave me anything I wanted. How about you stop regurgitating what democrat propaganda tells you people believe and just fucking listen to the people directly?

      • ArxCyberwolf
        24 months ago

        Momo, have you ever considered anger management? Every single one of your posts is unnecessarily hostile. You’re gonna have a heart attack getting this stressed out over internet comments.

        • @MomoTimeToDie
          -24 months ago

          Sorry you feel that way, but I don’t think strawmen you’ve made up qualify for therapy

          • ArxCyberwolf
            04 months ago

            Lmao what? How exactly is me telling you to get help a strawman argument? Go back to the circus, Momo. You’re making me laugh

    • Night Monkey
      -24 months ago

      Will you cry when Trump gets reelected?

      • PizzaMan
        34 months ago

        Why do things always end up with insults with you people? Are your beliefs so fragile that the moment they are questioned your only choice is to lash out?

        • Night Monkey
          14 months ago

          Insults. Did you read your post? 😂

      • ArxCyberwolf
        04 months ago

        I’m genuinely curious why you and so many others like you get so much enjoyment over other people’s suffering and emotional harm. How does it benefit you at all?

        • Night Monkey
          14 months ago

          So you admit you actually suffer emotional harm because a guy you claim is stupid and knows nothing but is somehow a crazy dictator who is going to mastermind the takeover of the United States and the world?

          • ArxCyberwolf
            24 months ago

            I never said anything about myself. Nice job putting words in my mouth though. Trump’s policies did a ton of harm to a lot of people, which I see Republicans cheer on. I’m asking you why people like you enjoy it.

            • Night Monkey
              -14 months ago

              I had more money than ever when he was president. Of course I enjoyed it

          • NeuromancerM
            04 months ago

            Liberal logic in play. That is why all these court cases are concerning. They are just attempts to get him to drop out.

            I do not think Trump is viable in the next election. I would rather see someone else run, but Trump will get my vote. There is no way I am voting for Joe Biden.

  • Tw510
    4 months ago

    Rofl what a fucking moron. One Google search shows 7.2 mil hardly accounts for like 9 of the lowest populated states. But keep posting retarded shit like this. I enjoy the daily reminders of how retarded fucking Republicans are.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Just FYI, you interpreted the headline wrong. I did, too…but then they have this gem:

      That is larger than the population of 36 US states, including Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

      They’re not combined, otherwise the impact of the argument wouldn’t have the emotional force it does by listing 36 states individually lol.

      • PizzaMan
        4 months ago

        1,132,812+1,095,962 +1,031,890+919,318+783,926 +733,406+678,972+647,464 +584,057

        = 7,607,807

        Tw510 is correct.

        • @OnlyTakesLsOP
          14 months ago

          Wrong. He didnt say combined.

          Its more than Tennessee, the 15th most populated state.

            • @OnlyTakesLsOP
              14 months ago

              Double fail

              “Accounts for” does not mean combined.

              The article does not use the term “accounts for”

              Are you intentionally being stupid? Or is that a mistake too?

              • PizzaMan
                14 months ago

                7.2 mil hardly accounts for like 9 of the lowest populated states.

                9 of the lowest populated states means the 7.6m of those states. That is very clearly the meaning going on here as that’s what adds up.

                The fact that you are so smooth brained to interpret it as anything else makes me amazed that you’re even capable of using a computer or phone.

                • @OnlyTakesLsOP
                  -24 months ago

                  There is no universe in which thats what he meant.

                  And smooth brained? Couldnt come up with an original insult? You make the Lion King look original.

              • PizzaMan
                14 months ago

                Are you intentionally being stupid?

                Couldnt come up with an original insult? You make the Lion King look original.