News conference highlights:

  • Odysseus landed softly within 3 km of the landing site, vehicle is stable. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will try to snap a picture to get more accurate location data.
  • Communication has been established with the lander. No photos yet, but currently downloading. Data rate is currently still slow, but teams are working to improve it.
  • Attitude data indicates that the lander is on its side. Current hypothesis is that it touched down with non-zero lateral velocity and a leg caught on a rock or something, causing the lander to tip.
  • Sun is shining on solar arrays, batteries are charging.
  • Cryogenic systems worked well, but slightly more helium consumption than expected. Methalox engine completed 6 burns, ~20 min total burn time.
  • Engine pointing error was due to engine gimbal linkage behaviour slightly different from simulation
  • Weak radio range beacons signal from small dishes on earth introduced some inaccuracies (elliptical orbit), so an extra correction burn was required.
  • The laser range finder was non-functional, as the laser safety switch was left engaged. (I feel as though this should have been on the checklist…)
  • Teams rewrote the GNC software to use data from the lasers from the navigation Doppler lidar system in 1.5 hours. This was challenging, and required a reboot of GNC, but was ultimately successful.
  • Interesting note: Had it not been for the elliptical orbit, they wouldn’t have discovered the issue with the laser range finder until it was too late.
  • EagleCam didn’t separate due to GNC reboot, but it is still in an orientation in which it could be launched in the future.