Anxiety is starting to take hold of me.

If brain-in-a-jar theory is correct, I’m currently being absolutely DRENCHED in some sort of anxiety inducing chemical; my hands are clammy, sweaty, my knees are weak, and I can smell my mom cooking some spaghetti so I’m pretty sure we all know what’s about to happen…

I was waiting for Sousou no Frieren to finish airing to gauge people’s reactions to the ending before I decide whether or not to watch it, but I caved.

Everyone and their momma is talking about this show, FOMO got me

But now what I feared most is coming true, and I can’t help but tremble at the prospect of Frieren ending on a cliffhanger. There’s 4 episodes left in this season. If Madhouse hits me over the head with a cliffhanger and I have to wait a year for season 2 they might as well cast Zoltraak directly into my heart.

Has anyone read the manga? Am I going to suffer terribly for my rash decision?

Also, this show is really good right?! Love it very much so far, no wonder it’s topping MAL, I wonder if we really do have an all-timer on our hands.

    1 year ago

    IIRC, the first 4 episodes were released in a batch. But even ignoring that, its a slow show where not much happens. Most of it is the gang going somewhere and Frieren trying to not repeat the same mistakes of not appreciating her friends enough before its too late.