• Evil_Shrubbery@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    With absence of money as the main ‘power’ it’s your deeds that are the only thing left to define the extra exclusive things like apartments, experiences, etc.

    And that is the thing, afaik all studies & experiments concluded that people start being productive regardless. It’s not “out of boredom”. Its just something to do. Sure, not everything benefits everyone, but imagine the impact of all the eg artist stuck flipping burgers. They would seem ‘unproductive’ just “laying about” until they produce a pice the whole world recognizes as something special (and not just because of the marketing budget).

    Basically no one just stays still doing nothing, definitely not a significant margin. Same with animals, at the very least they will play.

    Eg, could you imagine your life without long-term producing/making/planning something?