• CthulhuOnIce
      2 years ago

      tldr “I don’t care about your opinion because my opinion is right and I don’t have to back it up”

      It’s insane how dismissive you manage to be while also not substantiating any of your claims in any meaningful way aside from vaguely gesturing at communism itself or saying that it’s not worth talking about

      you keep saying “communists don’t know this or that about communism” and that you’re trying to discover what “communism might look like” when I told you in my first comment that trying to predict the minutia of communism is utopian

      science didn’t exist at the time

      LMAO what???

        • CthulhuOnIce
          2 years ago

          I’m honestly still not sure what you mean by science didn’t exist at the time or what context you might be referring to

          You aren’t supposed to build communism, we are supposed to build socialism, only when generations are reared in the social conditions of the socialist mode of production, and the international conditions allow, and the productive capacity allows, can the transition from socialism to communism take place.

          Basically we are too far off from communism to build it directly and to predict the fine details of what it may look like, we need to build socialism first