• magnetosphere
      11 months ago

      We typically have a better understanding of consequences than the right does, so we don’t take discussions of “civil war” as lightly.

      • PugJesusOP
        211 months ago

        No, no, you see, it’s actually in the best interests of the downtrodden to spend generations living through a warzone.

        • magnetosphere
          211 months ago

          Gee, you’re right. Being “comfortable enough with the status quo” is CLEARLY a leftist trademark. How insightful!

          • PugJesusOP
            211 months ago

            I totally get that fighting within the context of the current system is immensely frustrating to many, especially since even unambiguous victories still take years to come to fruition. But there is a reason that people who aren’t right-wing chuds or tankies aren’t ready to go to the streets with their guns yet, and that’s because civil wars are really fucking bad. Best case scenario they end up with several years of active, infrastructure-destroying war in which no government services are reliable, no protections to the weak and downtrodden are afforded, and have a decades-long insurgency that has to be crushed bit by bit, usually with great cost to civil rights.

            • PugJesusOP
              11 months ago

              Domestically? Worked within the system to marginalize and reduce their influence.

              Protests, petitions, even riots, these are all things that are important and useful, and that we’ve engaged in many, many times the past few years. But you don’t bring out the bayonets until you have to, because once they come out, the death toll will reach into the millions.

                • PugJesusOP
                  211 months ago

                  Do you… do you think there haven’t been violent, physical clashes between antifascists and fascists recently?

                  … are you taking the piss

  • gentleman
    311 months ago

    @PugJesus I stumbled upon this magazine because I like the meme a lot. Fine job! FWIW, I grew up in the South at a time when the only movie theater within miles was still closed as a result of the “massive resistance” movement and the newer version of the same shit is just as ugly. No rational person wants a civil war. I do, however, believe that armed liberals is a good thing. I am to old to go LARPing around but I also am not going to stand for another Fascist coup attempt. Nice magazine you have here

    • PugJesusOP
      11 months ago

      Thanks! Not my original idea, though I wish it was - ShermanPosting was a sub on Reddit I was a part of. Figured the Fediverse would be onboard with an anti-reactionary pro-bashing-Confederates community, so I dragged out the best pro-Union memes I’d collected over the years to put on here, lol

  • cacheson
    211 months ago


    Deleting all your comments seems like a bit of an overreaction.

    What are you doing, that you feel has been effective, and that you want others to emulate?

    • Roundcat
      511 months ago

      You know what, I have no fucking room to talk because I’m a fucking coward. I wrote those posts in frustration, cooled off and realized how harmful (and stupid) some of the things I said were, and deleted them because I don’t even have the spine to stand by my own fucking words. Feel free to call me out, or hell screen cap me if you want. I just feel hopeless, and lashed out on ya’ll cause I wish I saw more good in this world. I can’t even see it from the people who are actually trying to help.

      • PugJesusOP
        511 months ago

        We all have moments of anger. This is a shitty world we live in, and sometimes there are no good choices. You wouldn’t be human if you never got frustrated and lashed out at that.

        • Roundcat
          411 months ago

          Yeah, but my problem is who I lash out at, and how I did so. I don’'t know any of ya’ll and had no right to call you cowards. I have friends and family who are in the direct line of fire within this wave of fascism in the US, and I’m frustrated cause there’s little I can do to help them, and nobody around them seems to be giving them the help or support they need. I feel discouraged and I had no right to drag you into that, much less blame you for a lack of action.

          • magnetosphere
            11 months ago

            It will get better. You’re aware of your issues and have the courage to face them. You don’t recognize it right now, but that is absolutely vital. Trust me. I know from personal experience.

            In time, you’ll get to the point where you catch yourself before saying something you’ll wish you hadn’t. That’ll be a nice feeling - maybe not at the time, but you’ll look back on it and be proud of yourself. Enjoy it. It will be hard earned.

      • magnetosphere
        311 months ago

        You are NOT a coward. There is no shame in being frustrated because you want the world to be a better place. It takes courage, maturity, and strength of character to stand up, accept responsibility, and make a sincere apology. I have a great deal of respect for that.

        Deleting your comments isn’t an example of spinelessness. You realized that you regretted what you said, that it didn’t reflect who you really are, and didn’t want those words to live forever. We can all relate. Personally, I’ve had (and continue to have) anger issues. There are moments I wish I could “delete”.

        Instead of blaming yourself for your understandable frustration, give yourself credit for recognizing it, owning up to it, and apologizing.

        We’re a bunch of strangers to you. You had no idea how we’d react. Being honest with us must have been scary, but you did it anyway. Far, far too many people don’t have that kind of strength or integrity.

      • cacheson
        311 months ago

        Understandable. The situation we’re in is incredibly frustrating. Obviously try not to lash out indiscriminately, but also, we get it.

        In terms of what to do, before the pandemic I had been working on my small “arm the left” project. Mainly just trying to get my (mainly liberal/leftish) friends and any other takers I could find on facebook to come to the range with me and learn about guns. Several people told me that I had manged to change their minds on the subject. A rare few bought guns of their own, but for the rest they’re at least more familiar with firearms handling. I didn’t really feel capable of starting a community defense organization, but I figure this provides a decent foundation for that sort of thing.

        I haven’t kept up with it, since I ended up pretty depressed since the pandemic, and have only started coming out of it in the past few months. Need to get back into it though.

        From what I know of antifascist groups, most of what they do is intel gathering on fascist groups, and sometimes infiltrating and disrupting them. The street fighting part draws a lot of attention when it happens, but it’s relatively rarer.

        On the electoral front, it seems like Republicans are getting hammered pretty badly over Dobbs and their anti-abortion push. They’re forced by their base to support a deeply unpopular policy, and they’re paying the price for it. They’ll continue to be swept out of power in a lot of places. This doesn’t make up for the loss of Roe, which is very bad for a lot of people. It’s also not a reason to get complacent. However, it is a reason to not despair. Americans overall are not down with the whole MAGA thing.