Tell us about the game you finished? Were they good or bad and what are you plans for the current month?

    1 year ago

    I’m not really a JRPG person at all, but I picked up a SteamDeck with hopes of getting myself back into gaming and kicked up Final Fantasy X on a whim. I’m probably about half way through and having a great time so far. I grew up watching my brother play a lot of FF games (although I can’t say that I remember any of them ever being beaten), so I have a soft spot for them.

    I’m not really sure what I’m going to play next. I have a list of other JRPGs that I’d like to play, but I also started playing Suikoden II, so if I stick with it I’ll probably play something non-JRPG on the side to try and avoid burning myself out on the genre.