• kokiriflute@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Scarlett Johansson plays an asian person for Ghost in the Shell: This is racist!

    Any number of other races play a white person e.g. The Little Mermaid: This is progressive!

    Both are absolutely fine. Actors can play anyone. It’s their job. Hollywood using race changes to drum up controversy and make more money is entirely at fault. No wonder they’re too greedy to even pay their writers properly.

    • The ghost in the shell one is extra funny because the character is basically a human consciousness in a totally robotic body and she can have (and indeed has had) different bodies that may or may not be her original body. I think they make it more concrete, but at one point even her original sex was called into question.

      The Major could have been played by anyone, and they could have just said it was the robot body she was swapped into.