So, like 10 years ago when I got a big amount of money for Christmas, I went and bought my first guitar, which I could really only afford a Squier Bullet. Fast forward to now, I still have this but I also have a Epiphone Les Paul Standard a friend gave me.

I like the Les Paul, but I like the lightweight body of the Squier. It obviously sucks, it’s 10 years old and is not a great build quality, but I still like playing it. Barring personal feelings about keeping my first guitar or buying a new one, would it be better, long term, to just replace the parts on it that suck or is the whole build quality just holding it back?

  • LanMandragondeez
    1 year ago

    I’ve had good experiences with warmoth and stewmac — neither is particularly cheap, but they’ve got good parts. Ive also just bought hardware outright from Fender’s site tbh