For me:

  • Breath of the Wild: 400 hours in, have done only 50% of the game. But now that TotK is out, I’m not sure if I’ll ever complete BotW. Perhaps if I’m stuck on a deserted island with my Switch and have nothing better to do, I may pick it up again.

  • Skyrim: Countless hours, never really done much of the main storyline, always get lost in modding and optimising the game. Own it on practically all platforms too. But one of these days, I’ll get to the main quest…

  • Dangerous Dave: Been playing this DOS game on and off since 1990 but still haven’t managed to beat it. I always die around level 6/7, blasted sun keeps killing me.

    2 years ago

    Valheim. There is so much to do, explore and discover! I play VH either with friends or solo. We’ve never finished all bosses yet and are currently less active, but we often get very active in bursts of time. I can get lost for HOURS in this game, completely forgetting the time and world around me. Then I notice I’ve played for 6 hours straight and mostly gathered some wood and improved my house a bit. I never gets boring though.

    Don’t Starve. I’ve spend a lot of time in this game and I think I’ve not even seen a quarter of all the content. I’ve never even defeated a boss.