BC dry and on fucking fire everywhere, NS underwater.
Feels like both edges of the country are on the opposite side of a balance.
I’ve seen this before. We must find Rayquaza, it’s the only way.
My heart goes out to our neighbors in Nova Scotia, but I do feel obligated to point out that nearly every use of the phrase “biblical proportions” refers to something really, really terrible.
That should tell you something.
I think it’s interesting that Revelation, which fundamentalists and some evangelical Christians believe describes the biblical apocalypse, directly references things that are happening now as signs that end times are imminent: increased major floods, earthquakes, famine, disease, fires, etc.
So it’s pretty fucking ironic that conservative Christians are the ones shouting the loudest that we should ignore these things and claim it’s nothing unusual. Surely the apocalypse couldn’t be a direct result of mankind’s “sin” of raping the earth. Or maybe they know it is and they’re waiting till the 11th hour to whip out of the repentance card.
It’s truly deranged. But perfectly understandable if you take out any moral aspect out of Christianity and then focus on the literal aspect of the old testament. It then becomes a vehicle to justify your own behavior - no matter how reprehensible - because you display your faith the most. Or rather mention it the most and take that as a display of faith.
Imagine the irony if flooding reaches that ark that the christian extremists built in Kentucky and it doesn’t float
And like in the bible, humanity was warned but ostracised the messenger instead of preparing.
But climate change isn’t real?
And if it is real, it is not caused because of humans?
Gods forbid if we tried to fix it and made lives of everyone on Earth better.
And even if it is caused by humans, we only contribute x% of the total pollution. And since we can’t completely fix the problem on our own, there’s no reason for us to make any changes. It’s all up to China and India! /s
Any chance some of this rain made it’s way to the forest fires in Quebec?
That would be too convenient.
Nova Scotia was burning a bit more then a month ago. I think it will get worse before it gets better.