Credit score is based on things which nominally correlate with financial trustworthiness (or something like that).
This is a very big improvement over a system where loans are denied because a racist bank employee doesn’t like you. It is definitely not a perfect system, and we should definitely strive to make it better, but the concept isn’t (IMHO) a bad one.
Also, as others pointed out, personal and national debt are…different.
Credit score is based on things which nominally correlate with financial trustworthiness (or something like that).
This is a very big improvement over a system where loans are denied because a racist bank employee doesn’t like you. It is definitely not a perfect system, and we should definitely strive to make it better, but the concept isn’t (IMHO) a bad one.
Also, as others pointed out, personal and national debt are…different.
Also, your credit score goes up from having debts that you make payments towards.
The US hasn’t missed a payment since the War of 1812.