Moanings fellow Dad’s. Hows life?

I’ve had the week off work and despite it being a nonstop exhausting battle to the death with two young kids…I’ve had a really nice time with them both. In short: fuck work for robbing me of that time with my kids…

At the same time my partner vowed to take the kids out for a few hours today so I’m looking forward to a bit of Me time.

How’s your week been?

    10 months ago

    I really love what I do for a job, but work really robs me of time withy kids as well. We have a 2.5 year old and an almost 9 month old. Our toddler is very attached to me, and it’s so hard to spend quality time together during the work week. Especially after long days, where I just want to zone out on the couch until bed. I have some time off coming up in the next few weeks, so I’m excited for that and to spend some time connecting with the family. Been feeling quite disconnected and burnt out lately and need a recharge.