Paraphrased: We want to make sure that what is written there is balanced and Zionist in nature.

  • @wildbus8979OP
    3 months ago

    The exact sequence of events is contested, in part due to the IDF’s confiscation of the passengers’ photographic evidence.


    According to a UN report, all activist deaths were caused by gunshots, and “the circumstances of the killing of at least six of the passengers were in a manner consistent with an extra-legal, arbitrary and summary execution.” The five other ships in the flotilla employed passive resistance, which was suppressed without major incident.

    • borari
      43 months ago

      How the fuck both the prime ministers from 2013 mentioned in that wiki article still leading their respective countries 11 years later?

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    Wikipedia working as intended. It was always influenced by who were good at hiding the truth behind some debatable truth accepted by “western scholars”.

    Last when I went on a rabbit hole on Wikipedia, there were entries which whitewashed British colonialists invasion as a positive by referencing the history books written by… you guessed it, the British. 🤦‍♂️