• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    In the article, Letiecq said she drew upon “critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages White heteropatriarchal nuclear families (WHNFs) and marginalizes others as a function of family structure and relationship status.”

    Just ignore the content. All these words are why many normal folks think academic liberals are airheads. I know what she’s saying because I got used to this style of super dense academic writing. But how are regular folk supposed to make heads or tails of this?

    To be fair, though, I’m not sure why media generally insists on presenting academic viewpoints like this. It’s the social science version of talking about the mathematics of fusion reactors:

    Particles are scattered by the MHD waves which are raised by instability of background plasmas. Probability that a particle entering to the downstream will eventually return to the upstream energy gain factor when a particle crosses and re-crosses the shock front.

    Presenting unintelligible nonsense (from the layman’s perspective) helps nobody. But then, Fox News does what media also generally does and dumbs the critique of marriage down into an absurdity to attack an easy strawman.

    • NeuromancerM
      33 months ago

      But how are regular folk supposed to make heads or tails of this?

      They are quoting her. That is why.

      My issue with articles like this is that they are not tied to a policy, party, or event. It is just the rant of an academic.

      Do I agree with her rant? No. Would most academics? No.

    • @BottomTierJannie
      03 months ago

      To be fair, though, I’m not sure why media generally insists on presenting academic viewpoints like this

      Because they are fundamentally social topics that impact your average Joe. To just let a bunch of quacks leverage institutions to push their crap is how we let things go worse.

    • NeuromancerM
      -13 months ago

      Mickey7 was banned from the Lemm.ee instance. You can see his replies on the lemmy.world instance.

      Federation is a shit show.

          • @ButWaitTheresMore
            23 months ago

            It was probably all the scat/porn posting. You keep interesting company.

        • @[email protected]M
          -33 months ago

          He got banned from lemm.ee. Regardless of the reason, that means that people on lemm.ee, like this mod account, won’t be able to see his posts and comments. It makes proper moderation nearly impossible and completely unreasonable, because I would have to go to every federated site and check from their end what comments were made that wouldn’t be seen elsewhere.

          This applies for every account banned from lemm.ee.

  • NeuromancerM
    33 months ago

    I read through her article, and some of her points are valid; it leaves a general so what?

    One of her complaints is that you can’t leave your SS with a partner. That is correct. That isn’t an issue with WHNF, as she uses the phrase. SS would quickly become bankrupt if you could give it to anyone. To me, this is very much a lack of economic understanding on her part.

    She also mentions immigrants, which is a tad racist in her context. White people can be immigrants.

    Most of her gripe seems to be that WHNF is the dominant culture in America, which is a silly argument since WHNF formed us. It would like going to an African nation and complaining that black people dominate their culture.

    But White supremacy is more than an ideology. It is also a multidimensional and interconnected system of structures, laws, policies, rules, regulations, and processes by which people racialized as White maintain and control power, wealth, and resources for their own and their family’s structural advantage in an unequal society.

    I’m not too fond of word salad like this. You see it in the social sciences when focused on BS. It is the babble to sound like you know what you are talking about because you can’t actually show it well. The basic premise is that everything is weaved together to prevent everyone who isn’t white, heterosexual, and married from being successful. In the past, that was true, but less so nowadays.

    She also brings up Floyd twice for some reason. Floyd’s death has nothing to do with white supremacy or even that he was black.

    Studies have repeatedly shown that a two-parent household produces better results than a single-parent household. She complains that TANF spends money on that premise. The easiest solution is stopping government welfare, which would correct most of her complaints.

    It is also odd she never talks about the breakdown in the family structure being caused by the push for more welfare.The war on poverty destroyed the black nuclear family, and as such, we should end or heavily restrict all welfare programs. Let each family build their families as they want but without the government paying their way.

  • @[email protected]
    -53 months ago

    Maybe we should show up to school board meetings and protest this because we don’t want this liberal nonsense being taught to kindergarteners in our schools.

  • @[email protected]M
    -53 months ago

    Didn’t I already ask you to tone down the race stuff? I appreciate the content, but Id rather avoid this kind of stuff. TBH, I dont know if this is starting to cross the line into racism or if its just being bothered by racism or what.

    Man, I hate judgement calls.

    • @Captainvaqina
      23 months ago

      Lol you don’t like the blatantly racist bullshit your blatantly racist subscribers post?

      Maybe you should stop working with the racist party.

      • NeuromancerM
        -33 months ago

        We don’t work with the democrats. It’s obvious the professor is not a republican.

        • @Captainvaqina
          13 months ago

          Right, which is why she is correct in calling out racism. And then the respondent in that “article” goes on to spout the “family values” that you all like to parrot.

          Your fifth grade tier insult makes you look suuuuuper smart lemme tell ya.

          • NeuromancerM
            -13 months ago

            Imaginary racism isn’t racism. I doubt you read the article, but it’s mainly a world salad of hot garbage. Maybe read the actual study to see what it’s about? What point of hers do you expressly agree with?

            The Democrats are the ones who are racist as her article clearly calls out. They are the ones who created most of what she is complaining about.

            • @Captainvaqina
              13 months ago

              Of course it’s hot garbage, it’s faux “news.”

              Have you read it? Just because someone finds systemic racism and expresses thoughts about it does not make them racist. But that doesn’t fit the narrative you’ve been taught to parrot.

              • NeuromancerM
                -13 months ago

                What does Fox News have to do with study? The study is hot garbage.

                She didn’t find much. She created. The solution is remove welfare program and we solve her complaints. I’m all for that.

                • @Captainvaqina
                  13 months ago

                  Yea your kind love to see underprivileged and disabled people starve.

                  The selfishness and cruelty gets you off, doesn’t it?

    • NeuromancerM
      -73 months ago

      The issue I see is it’s about the culture war but not tied to an event or policy. It’s the ranting of one professor.

      • @BottomTierJannie
        -53 months ago

        So it should just be ignored that leftists are using universities to push their garbage?

        • NeuromancerM
          -43 months ago

          One professor is not the teachings of a university. Has the university put out a statement agreeing with her? Has the department head said anything? All I see is a statement from one teacher.

          • @BottomTierJannie
            03 months ago

            If I went and used my position as a federal employee to sling this type of political shit, I’d be out a job. It’s not exactly like the university is in the dark about what this teacher is doing.

            • NeuromancerM
              03 months ago

              You are against free speech? Or just speech you don’t like? She isn’t tenured but this is why tenure is important.

              Did you read her research or just form an opinion based on the headline ?

              • @BottomTierJannie
                03 months ago

                She’s free to say whatever she likes, and the university is free to keep slime like her on. And similarly, I’m free to judge them based on their own speech.

                • NeuromancerM
                  3 months ago

                  Read he study. The best solution to her complaints is end social programs. That would solve her complaints. End tanf, social security, etc and get complaints go away.

        • ThrowawayM
          -73 months ago

          You make a good point. Its why Im hesistant. Its clearly about CRT and CRT-adjacent thinking, so Im thinking it should stay up.