• batman without ears
    1363 months ago

    First of all who the fuck is boogie ? Is this something i’m too much of a lemming to understand ?

  • Lath
    973 months ago

    I don’t know, but I’m gonna go ahead and guess.

    Not his daughter.
    His daughter that does porn.
    His daughter formerly known as “son”.
    His daughter formerly known as “son” that does porn.
    Any of the above, but it’s incest porn.

    Am i close?

    • Alinor
      1543 months ago

      Took me a few minutes to find, but you are correct! Not his daughter. In fact: his girlfriend. For the record: he’s 49 apparently.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    On one hand, I don’t think the harassment he’s received over the years has been justified. Lolcowing is fucked up and shouldn’t be done. On the other hand he isn’t exactly a good person.

    I just wish we could forget people like him and move on to bullying more harmful assholes, like Tate or Libs of TikTok. They’re disgusting human beings that often aren’t stopped by the legal system. The fact that they instigate that type of harassment makes them the people most deserving of it. Like bullies in school, they can often only be countered by force, whether that be from the authorities, or the person being bullied.


    Remember kids, if the school refuses to do anything and you can get away with fighting back, it’s probably the right thing to do. Zero tolerance is an excuse from the system to not actually address conflict and shovel children into prison for slave labor. Rather than properly funding schools to handle these issues, they just make it society’s problem by creating criminals with no effort at redemption. You need to avoid getting caught and ensure you keep yourself from being seen as a target, but fighting back in some way is the most effective strategy kids have. They shouldn’t have to, but they have to stay safe.

    You can sometimes achieve mutual respect, but not if you’re seen as weak and easy. It’s fucked up, but all we can do is stand with eachother against assholes.

    • @[email protected]
      203 months ago

      Seconding the last bit, as a child I was seen as an easy target for bullies, being short, sarcastic, nerdy, and a year younger than everyone else in my class. The School never helped, and generally made it worse. Sadly, hitting someone back harder than they hit me made it better.

      I would occasionally have to listen to the Principal go through the “Zero Tolerence” BS, but we liked eachother and understood what the situation was under the verbiage. I’d make apologizing noises, get a little detention, and that was that.

      But hey, it turns out if you bloody someone’s nose, they’ll stop fucking with you. Bloody enough noses that fucked with you, and you’ll get a reputation that mitigates violence against you and having to use violence to protect yourself. One fistfight a year or so; win, lose, or draw; buys you a year free of bullies. Damn good deal!

      Still it’s an interesting place I find myself in philosophically, where quothe Tim Barry, “I think pacifists are weak, and violence is wrong”.

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        I used to be against vigilante justice, and while it is dangerous and easy to do wrong, if the law doesn’t protect you, you’ll have to do it yourself. I’m not encouraging people to seek revenge; far from it. The only justice that can exist is preventative justice. We can’t undo harm or force people to repent for past crimes, but we can make things better in the future through actions in the present.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        100%. I was bullied as a kid for being the fat nerdy kid who was always reading books. But, as it turns out, breaking a nose in class or beating the everliving snot out of someone in the middle of the cafeteria line (to the point it takes multiple teachers to pull you off of the bully) tends to make life easier for a few years wrt being bullied.

        Hated doing it, but it solved a problem.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        eesh, im not sure why she would do that to herself, but 20 somethings can make their own bad decisions

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            as long as they are 2 conseting adults, i dont think we should.

            ive dated older woman and it has its advantages, namely how mature and stress free it is.

  • stebo
    23 months ago

    What’s her insta? I want to wish her a happy birthday too!

  • KillingTimeItself
    3 months ago

    for anybody familiar and curious, caleb hammer has a video with boogie on finances, it’s an interesting alter to the documentary that happened. He seems like an alright guy. That’s about all i’ll say for now.

    According to him the doc plays it up extensively for the views (and money) which, would make sense.