Just moving in to our first home, and I’m very excited to have the freedom to set up a permanent HF antenna.

I’ll probably build a sort of fan dipole and run it along the side of our property. That’s the only place long enough to fit. However, the power lines for the neighborhood run over part of our backyard. I’m not worried about my dipole being too close to high voltage power (it won’t be) but I wonder if the AC frequency can cause interference on certain bands?

  • shortwavesurfer@monero.town
    1 year ago

    It’s definitely possible. I don’t know if you have one of those portable shortwave receivers, but if you do, you could check the amateur bands with that and see the interference. Generally, you’re gonna get more interference on lower bands such as 160, 80, and possibly 40. Then you will on the upper bands like 20, 15, 12, and 10.