There’s this whole Jack Chick knockoff world that has been around for decades despite having the worst arguments.

  • Transporter Room
    11 months ago

    Correct, he did not say we came from monkeys. But rather than explain how it works, it’s quicker for me to use the cousin analogy. Most people aren’t even going to listen long enough to hear the end of that even.

    As for the “animal” bit, I’m guessing it’s because of the negative association people have with being compared to an animal. “acted like an animal” and all that. If not, then who knows. I’m sure even they can’t explain it.

      11 months ago

      I don’t think people think much about the actuality of what Darwin said or the truth of their own animalness and being part of the animal kingdom.

      It always irks me to see an anti-evolutionist pointing to or making fun of a picture of an ape because, to them, being compared to great animals is some sort of smutty filth. I hate to think what kind of brutality they enact on cats and dogs around them, or even kids.

      The idea that we’re part of the Animal kingdom, to me, is such a fascinating and great concept. I just do not get people who are insulted or “turned off” by that idea at all.