But “with only a few months before the program sunsets at the end of 2023, only 80 applications have been approved as of April 2023.”
But “with only a few months before the program sunsets at the end of 2023, only 80 applications have been approved as of April 2023.”
What the hell? I thought this was going to be about historical stuff from last century. But:
Don’t think they’ve actually stopped, they probably just frame it differently now (rather than “birth control”, an act of “compassion”, but eugenics either way, and perhaps even an act of genocide in some cases).
They do it to immigrants
In Canada (and no doubt elsewhere) they do it to Indigenous people
And of course disabled people
It’s not like there’s much to stop them targeting these groups.
I bet those women effected were black or Hispanic
Yes it looks like mostly Latina.
Eugenics remained alive and well in federal governement efforts until the late 70s. They just didn’t/don’t talk about it because of how the US supported Germany with that leading up to WW2. The Rockefeller Foundation funded eugenics research that employed Josef Mengele, and US literature was literally being used as templates for early Nazi cleansing programs.
The worst part is that it doesn’t seem like there was any kind of punishment for this doctor. Or at least I couldn’t find evidence of that and he may still be practicing? He’d be quite old at this point.
Yeah it’s insane. The doctor, James Heinrich, is retired (dead?) but sounds like a monster and had been sued multiple times for malpractice before the prison hired him. I wish there was a class action against him.
The worst part for me though is that there are women who were involuntarily sterilized there who are not eligible for compensation.
California is a fucked up place. I’m not saying that they’re unique, but they are one of the worst states.