Lemmy Pro Tip: After 2 replies you can usually tell if the conversation is going anywhere productive. If it’s not, then tell them as such in your 3rd reply, wish them a pleasant day, and move on with your life.
I’ve met so many genuine sea lions that I have half a mind to create a copy pasta for it, but just imagine that I’ve sent you 5 paragraphs about why it’s actually always your fault that you get into arguments.
Lemmy Pro Tip: After 2 replies you can usually tell if the conversation is going anywhere productive. If it’s not, then tell them as such in your 3rd reply, wish them a pleasant day, and move on with your life.
2? That’s generous of you. I give 1 chance.
I’ve met so many genuine sea lions that I have half a mind to create a copy pasta for it, but just imagine that I’ve sent you 5 paragraphs about why it’s actually always your fault that you get into arguments.