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    • Watched it, thanks! Great video, with very helpful illustrations, and you dumbed down the material science to the point where I had the impression understanding 😂

      You seem to be on your way to wetstonetube fame - continue the good work!

    • djundjila@sub.wetshaving.socialM
      6 months ago

      Very nice video, thanks! May I ask why you rekilled the edge on the 8k? Do you think there would already be enough fatigued material there?

        6 months ago

        That’s a very good question. I’ve been killing the edge on knives since it was first explained (by the president of Shapton US) that it is a “good idea” to remove any fatigued metal at the apex before building a final, finished edge. He’s an avid woodworker, so he called this jointing the edge. I have not, ever, seen analysis that would support fatiguing at the edge. It’s plausible, but I kind of doubt that collisions with surface abrasives that remove metal are leaving metal there long enough for it to fatigue significantly. I do this more because I feel that it “can’t hurt”, than I feel that it has structural merit. I often forget to kill the edge both on knives and razors, and I have yet to discern a difference.